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School Of The Heart + Avodah Journey

Our school is made up of 2  phases. Both phases of the school, School of the Heart and Avodah Journey, exist to cultivate an environment where God’s people can gather to discover the heart of God and, in turn, align their heart with God’s heart. We believe God's heart is our freedom. As we discover God’s desires for our lives, we gain personal freedom, are transformed into our intended identity, and walk confidently in our Kingdom purposes. We look forward to walking with you as we pursue the heart of God in community!

Phase 1 - School of the Heart

Dates: May 31 - June 8 2024
Ages: 16 and older
Cost: $400
Where: Morning Star Ministry, Florence KS


Phase 2 -Avodah Journey

Dates: June 10 - Au 2 2024
Ages: 19 - 30
Cost: $1,000 (+$2,000 Work Stipend)
Where: Morning Star Ministry, Florence KS

**Phase 1 is a prerequisite to Phase 2


Morning Star Ministry

Kingdom Equip partners with Morning Star Ministry (MSM)  to run the School of the Heart. The MSM property serves as the Kingdom Equip School of the Heart campus.
The MSM property is approximately 540 acres located in the Flint Hills just east of Florence, KS. The MSM grounds includes:
-Five lodges
-Six prayer cabins
-Dining hall/conference center
-Outdoor basketball court 
-Sand volleyball court
-Many other amenities and facilities
Flowing through the MSM property is the Cottonwood River, where you can find beautiful bluffs, hiking trails, and scenic views of the Kansas prairies. Morning Star Ministry's desire for the property is in keeping with Revelation 22:16 as a place that welcomes people to come experience Jesus, the Bright Morning Star.  

PHASE 1 - School of the Heart

Dates: May 31 - June 8 2024
Ages: 16 and older
Cost: $400
Where: Morning Star Ministry, Florence KS

You are equipped to pursue a life of intimacy, freedom, and power in Christ. Through times of worship, prayer, teaching, meditation on the word of God, and living in community, the Lord reveals places where hearts lack freedom.

During these nine days, you are given opportunities to let go of the past and embrace your identity in Christ. You also learn how to guard your heart and allow the life of Christ to flow from it.

You’ll have the opportunity to engage in:
-Daily prayer and worship.
-Teachings on the Kingdom of God.
-A more full, radical love for Jesus.
-Freedom from strongholds and sin.
-Discovery of your unique identity and destiny in the Kingdom of God.
-Intimacy with the Holy Spirit to uncover God’s destiny for your life.
-Relationship with other students.

What we ask of you:
-A desire to grow in intimacy with Jesus.
-Engage in nine days of seeking Christ and his Kingdom.
-Openness to what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through you.
-Readiness to live in community with love, humility, and honor.
-Openness to receive and discuss biblical teachings.

Adoration for Jesus and His Word
During Phase I you learn how to behold the beauty of the Lord, read the scriptures, and obey Jesus’ commands.

You explore God’s heart and discuss what you learn in daily discipleship groups.

Living in Community
You are given a taste of life lived in intentional community. We enjoy fellowship together at meals, nurture friendships, and grow together in Jesus.

Worship and Intercession
Worship and intercession are part of our daily rhythm. We are convinced that all great movements of God’s Spirit are preceded by authentic corporate worship and intercession.


PHASE 2 - Avodah Journey

Dates: June 10 - Aug 2 2024
Ages: 19 - 30
Cost: $1,000 (+$2,000 Work Stipend)
Where: Morning Star Ministry, Florence KS

The Hebrew word Avodah jointly means work, worship and service. It gives us a picture of an integrated faith. With this in mind, we invite you to experience two months focused on modeling Christ-like community, serving in keeping with one’s God-given personality and giftings, relational skills and establishing spiritual disciplines in the midst of working hard. All of this will add up to an ongoing posture of worship as a way of life. Phase 1 is a pre-requisite for Phase 2. We admit up to 10 people for Phase 2.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1

You’ll have the opportunity to engage in:
-Daily reading, singing, and praying the word of God.
-Biblical teaching from a variety of experienced leaders in the body of Christ.
-A culture that values hearing and obeying the voice of God.
-Weekly one-on-one discipleship meetings with a staff member.
-Relational difficulty requiring intentional engagement in conflict reconciliation.
-Empowerment in your calling and opportunities to lead in your gifting. Service to the local community 5 to 7 hours per week.
-Work at the Morning Star Ranch approximately 24 hours per week.Each participant will receive a $2,000 stipend for their summer work (assuming you participate in all weekly work hours).

What we ask of you:
-Engage your heart with Jesus for two months.
-Openness to feedback from the leadership team.
-A heart postured toward honesty and vulnerability during weekly discipleship meetings.
-Engage intentionally in community and resist patterns of isolation.-Engage in relational conflict with humility, confession, repentance, and forgiveness.
-Embrace the value that ministering to the heart of God is our first priority.
-Willingness to lay down your life for something bigger than yourself.-Stretch yourself and take risks in areas God has gifted you to lead.  -Come ready to work hard with a joyful attitude.

Avodah Jouney  is for those who desire to passionately pursue Jesus in everyday life.
We are not looking for perfect people, but people who know they need Jesus and want to pursue him. We help disciple and equip young men and women to know Jesus, experience personal transformation, and understand their purpose on earth. Below is what you can expect from School of the Heart l and what our leadership team asks of you. If you’re interested in attending Phase II, please read through this page and consider the following before applying.

Adoration for Jesus and His Word
We believe we are created to adore Jesus while loving his word and obeying his commands.(see Ps. 27:4, 2 Cor. 3:18, Jn. 14:15)An emphasis of Phase II is learning how to live a life that adores Jesus and his word. We believe our awe of salvation in Jesus overflows into a radical love for Jesus. You integrate into daily rhythms centered around growing in adoration for Jesus, learning his word, and being encouraged to obey his commands. We desire you to fulfill the great commandment in your life, loving God with your heart, soul, strength, and mind.

Growing in Christ is best lived out by inviting Godly leaders into our lives to teach, challenge, and equip us.  (see Matt. 22:36-40, 2 Tim. 3:16-17)Jesus commissioned his disciples to make more disciples by leading with a heart of love. At School of the Heart, you are surrounded by leaders whose heart is to disciple you from a posture of sincere love. By entering Phase II, you say “yes” to allowing leadership to speak into your life by teaching, challenging, and equipping you.

Living in Community
We are created to live our Christian life in intentional community, pursuing Jesus with like-minded believers. (see Acts 2:44-47, Rom. 15:5-6, Heb. 3:13, Col. 3:13)During Phase II, students enter into a culture that values community, fellowship around meals, and practicing intentional relationships with others. You live in community (men and women separately) and learn how to engage in deep friendships with others and navigate conflicts that may arise. We believe that carrying these attributes well is critical for a thriving Christian life.

Worship and Intercession
We believe that the Church is a royal priesthood meant to be a house of prayer collectively valuing intentional rhythms of worship and intercession. (see Ps. 100, Is. 56:6-7, Matt. 21:13, 1 Pet. 2:9-10)
You were created to find great joy and satisfaction worshiping your Creator. We believe that intercession and worship are our primary call as the Church. During Phase II, you enter into daily rhythms of collective worship and prayer, learning how to minister to the heart of God and pray for his people.

Servant Leadership
We believe that all opportunities to lead others are opportunities to serve them. (see Matt. 20:25-28, Jn. 15:12-13, Phil. 2:5-7)Jesus was the perfect model of walking in confidence in the assignments God has given us. His leadership in others' lives always came from a humble heart of serving, not being served. During Phase II, we intentionally and consistently encourage you to walk confidently in your calling and learn how to lead with a servant's heart.

We believe that work is a gift given by God to be stewarded with a diligent and joyful heart. (see Col. 3:23-24, Eph. 6:7, 1 Cor. 10:31) During Phase II, you engage in a weekly rhythm of work, learning various work skills.  We value work as a piece of equipping individuals in the Kingdom of God. God values work and exhorts us to do all that he has given us with great diligence and care. In this phase, opportunities will arise during our weekly work schedule that may challenge you inwardly and push you physically. You should come prepared to work with a joyful heart.