

Tesha Werth

The idea of unity has been on my heart for the last several years. Unity seems like such a simple word and idea, yet when it comes to how we treat others (believers and unbelievers) and how we view the church, it seems like there is only division and heartache. What are we basing our idea of unity on? Am I more concerned with the lifestyle someone chooses, or with how I choose to show the love of Jesus to them? Do I get caught up in the laws and doctrine surrounding our faith, or am I quick to show mercy and grace in a disagreement? 

The significance of unity is a reflection of God’s love and a testimony to the transformative power of faith. It is rooted in the teachings of Christianity and incorporates the spirit of Christ’s message of love, compassion, and communal harmony. By understanding the significance of unity, followers of Jesus can strive to live out this foundational aspect of their faith in a way that honors God and contributes to the flourishing of all.  

The idea of unity in Christianity emphasizes the importance of believers coming together in one body united in faith and purpose. The concept is rooted in the teachings of Jesus, who prayed for his followers to be one, just as he and his Father are one. The apostle Paul urged believers to be of the same mind and judgment and to maintain the bond of peace. This idea of unity extends beyond simply being in agreement, it includes a deep sense of interconnectedness and mutual support among believers. 

Despite its significance, achieving and maintaining unity can be challenging in a world of diverse beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and doctrinal interpretations. However, unity does not require us to all be alike; instead, it requires humility, empathy, and a commitment to love. I would argue unity is less based on complete theological agreement and more on losing yourself in the way of Jesus. It’s interesting to look at the Pharisees. They committed their lives to living righteously, and yet somehow in that place, they found themselves out of unity with Jesus. The Pharisees often get a bad rap, but in all honesty, their hearts desire was to follow the law and honor their Jewish beliefs. However, in making this their primary focus, they lose sight of the bigger picture of who Jesus was and is about. 

What does this tell us? What can we learn from this? Could it be that we get too caught up or sucked into being right or judging something as wrong instead of becoming captured by the way of Jesus which always points us back to love, grace, hope, and healing?  In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays for unity among diversity, understanding the world’s need for the transformative power of God’s love. Talking with others, reconciliation, and a shared focus on Christ can help overcome differences and create greater unity among believers. When Christians are united, their collective witness becomes more compelling, drawing others to the love and truth of Christ. 

Unity holds incredible importance for those who love Jesus Christ. It reflects the divine nature, supports the Christian witness, and encourages the spiritual growth of believers. Through unity, believers experience the power of the Holy Spirit working in their midst, fostering spiritual growth and mutual edification. As followers of Christ, let’s be challenged by his call to unity by living a life of grace and love in our relationships and work. By doing this, we get to participate in God’s redemptive work, manifesting the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. I am going to close with part of a prayer I journaled several years ago. 

“My prayer for Hillsboro is that the scales on the eyes of believers and unbelievers will fall off so that God’s truth is revealed. I pray that in knowing the truth, the hierarchy in Hillsboro will be destroyed. We will no longer be known as the athletes, the people who live in Carriage Hills, the churchgoers, the non-churchgoers, the perfect family, the broken family, the entitled, the unaccepted, the Baptists, the MB’s, the Methodists, or any other title that people may have given or found identity in. God’s heart yearns for the unification of His people by loving others unconditionally. I pray that the Holy Spirit pours himself over Hillsboro so that when people enter this town, they enter into Holy and sacred ground.”