Partnership in Prayer

Partnership in Prayer

Jesse Allen

A culture of heaven being cultivated on earth begins in our heart through communion with God in prayer. This communion isn’t merely a series of words but a lifestyle of abiding in him as he abides in you. As you do, what you ask for begins to be born from the heart of God and the revelation of the realities of the realm of heaven, creating in you a lifestyle of powerful and effective prayer, asking what Jesus is asking and how he is asking it (James 5:16).

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name, ask and receive and your joy will be complete.” - John 16:24

Partnering with God to receive and manifest his heart on earth as it is in heaven comes through partnership in prayer. Jesus continually commissions and commands us to participate with the Father through a lifestyle of “asking.” This lifestyle is one of favor given by the grace of God that Jesus participated in during his days on earth (Heb. 5:7-8). In Psalm 2:8 David prophetically depicts Father God commissioning Jesus in partnership with him to receive that which he desired him to. He said, “Only ask and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the whole world as your possession.” Jesus didn’t labor on the cross for his inheritance, otherwise it was earned wages rather than a free gift. He labored on the cross for us to receive our inheritance. The favor that was given to Christ to ask and receive was distributed to us as an inheritance by Jesus for the purpose of carrying with God the same favor he did (Jn. 14:12-14; 16:24, Mk. 11:22-24, Rom. 8:32, Jn. 3:19-22; 5:14-15).

What a remarkable reality that we have been chosen to host and manifest the realities of heaven on earth through a partnership of communion with Christ called prayer. While Jesus could cultivate the culture of his Kingdom in individuals and collective groups of people apart from our partnership, he won’t. His greatest desire is not Lordship over slaves but partnership with sons and daughters (Jn. 15:15). In the present age he is partnering with the Church through prayer to manifest heaven on earth.

You are a vessel in whom Jesus has chosen to carry the treasure of heaven on earth, the person of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 4:7). A culture of heaven being cultivated on earth begins in our heart through communion with God in prayer. This communion isn’t merely a series of words but a lifestyle of abiding in him as he abides in you. As you do, what you ask for begins to be born from the heart of God and the revelation of the realities of the realm of heaven, creating in you a lifestyle of powerful and effective prayer, asking what Jesus is asking and how he is asking it (James 5:16).

God’s greatest desire is for the realities of his Kingdom to be manifested in and through humanity through the reign of his Son on earth as it is in heaven. Today the Holy Spirit is birthing in you revelatory desires that God is on a pursuit to bring into fruition through your partnership in prayer. As you dwell in His indwelling Spirit, may you be emboldened to persistently and passionately approach the throne of the Father and ask for the desires of your heart to be brought into fruition for the purposes of God’s Kingdom coming and his will being done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10).