Our Creative Purpose

Our Creative Purpose

Brianna Thompson

For a long time, I had no idea what my purpose in life was. I spent many years insecure about myself because I felt I had no calling to one specific thing. I pursued a career as a veterinary technician because I loved animals, but it still didn’t bring the sense of purpose I desired. I had always wanted to be a wife and a mom, and although my husband and two daughters are a huge gift to me and a piece of my calling, I discovered there was more to who I am than what I had originally thought.

Ever since I was little I loved drawing. One of my favorite things to do was to be creative. I was also very drawn to all things beauty: Hair, makeup, fun earrings, and clothes. I have been this way since I was little. I never knew this was such a huge part of my purpose - the things that I have always been naturally drawn to.

I thought there would be a moment in my life where God would reveal my grand calling, but what He revealed to me was much more simple than I pictured. And much less pressure than to be something grand. He simply revealed that I am to love Him and know Him, and to be an encouragement to the body of Christ through my creativity and love for beauty. I am created for Him, and to resemble Christ in every way because I am “made in His likeness”, but also to draw people to His Spirit by the things that naturally flow out of me.

This is something so simple that I wish every person knew before they spend their lives chasing after careers that aren’t fulfilling, and misdirected desires. God has created you with specific things that you naturally love. Specific things you are naturally drawn to, and that are life-giving. This is all pointing to your creative purpose in Christ.

One thing I love to ask people about is what they loved to do as a child. Some people have loved running all their lives, some people have always wanted to own their own business, some have always loved fixing things that are broken, some have always loved to sing and have been drawn to music. 

I believe that all of us as the body of Christ are given spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12) as well as grace gifts (Romans 12:4-8) and these pair perfectly with the things we love whether that is creativity, music, exercise, business, etc. Even if you don’t believe in these gifts, we can all agree that we all have different characteristics that are unique to us. For example, I am very discerning and have often felt the Lord put something on my heart to tell another person to bring them encouragement. It could be a stranger, a friend, or a family member. I have always loved encouraging people, and have been very aware of who the Lord wants to bring encouragement to. I listen to the Lord, and He gives me the words to say. This is an example of Jesus using my strongest spiritual and grace gifts. Discernment, prophetic, and encouragement.

It wasn’t until a few years ago that the Lord connected the desires that naturally flow out of me with the gifts He had given me in a very fun way. In 2019, there was a trend going around of women who were wearing earrings made of polymer clay. All different shapes, all different designs, it was like art on the ears! I quickly looked up how to make them myself and fell in love with the creativity of it all. Soon this turned into a fun side business. 

As I began to sell my earrings, there were many times I felt strongly from the Lord to gift a pair to someone to encourage them. That would then open up an opportunity to tell them how much Christ loves them. There were times where I would do drop-offs for customers in person, and Jesus would impress something on my heart that they were going through. That then opened opportunities to speak words of encouragement to them. Many times God used my gift as a way to speak to someone He loves dearly. I realized very shortly after I started making earrings that they weren’t just earrings, but a representation of us. We are the clay, He is the potter. We are all the work of His hand, (Isaiah 64:8) created uniquely to represent the beauty of Christ. 

I can’t explain the joy this brought me. This was the first time I had ever done all the things I naturally love to do in one. Be creative with something beautiful like fun earrings, to bring encouragement and joy to the people who receive them, and to allow God to speak through me when I felt lead to. There were many days I cried at how thankful I was to the Lord for letting me do something I loved so much, and that suited me so well.

This drove me to deeply desire people to KNOW their purpose. To know that God has created them so incredibly unique, filled with characteristics and desires that were all meant to bring pleasure to the Lord’s heart and to our own, and to be a special part in the body of Christ.

You. Have. PURPOSE. And if you don’t know what that is yet, I can help you in that process by saying that FIRST and foremost you were created to simply bring God pleasure. You do that just by being His creation. Secondly (and thirdly), you were created to know Him and love Him.

If you are in a season where you are not sure of your calling, you can have peace knowing you were created for those 3 things. After you recognize this, I would love for you to pray and ask the Lord who He has created you to be. Ask Him to point out the things that you love or the things that others notice and appreciate about you. The things you remember enjoying as a child and the things that bring you life and joy. The uniqueness of who you are is meant to complement those first main purposes.

In Psalm 139 David praises God for the detailed ways he was created. He recognizes God’s beautiful workmanship within himself. As you discover who you are, the things you love, and why you were created, you will begin to praise your Creator just as David does.