Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

Jesse Allen

Mercy and grace are two words that are often used parallel to each other. However, the difference between the two is dramatic and critical to have revelation if we are to freely receive that which God wants to give us.

“On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” - Matthew 9:12-13

The most desired sacrifice of God is our gift of mercy to those most undeserving. It is not within the relational dynamic of those whom you are united with where mercy manifested is the most powerful. The greatest manifestation of mercy occurs within the divisiveness of those most undeserving and difficult to love. This manifests the love of God most powerfully, as we too are the most undeserving. However, in the increase of his lavishing mercy came the greatest and glorious gift we could receive. It is within our participation in the nature of God’s mercy that others experience the most glorious gift they could receive too, God’s grace.

Mercy and grace are two words that are often used parallel to each other. However, the difference between the two is dramatic and critical to have revelation if we are to freely receive that which God wants to give us. Simply put, grace is getting what we don’t deserve while mercy is not getting what we do deserve. The mercy of God was shown as his Son was slaughtered in our place. Because of his mercy, the death we deserved we didn’t get. The expansion of mercy manifests into grace. Grace is receiving that which we don’t deserve. While mercy delivers us from death, grace gives us life. It was God's mercy that manifested his gift of grace.

Oftentimes our misunderstanding of judgement squelches the powerful presence of giving mercy and grace and takes into our own hands what was meant to be given into God’s. It is out of God’s mercy that we have escaped his judgement of death and been graced with being brought and bought into his kingdom of light. Because of his merciful grace we have been given the spiritual insight into judging from the proper place. The responsibility we have is to spiritually discern the demonic root relationally occurring, seeing past the seen into the unseen. When this occurs we can see that no matter how much hateful rhetoric or persecution that comes from people, flesh and blood is never our enemy.

This revelation positions us in the proper place of war, to take hold of the divine weapons of heaven for the purpose of pulling down spiritual strongholds. It is our mercy in the midst of malicious misconduct toward us that manifests the power and presence of giving that which we have received - grace through the life of Christ Jesus. Today, judge from the perspective of Jesus and you will become jealous for that which he is jealous for - people. Withhold from others enacting a penalty you perceive they deserve (mercy), instead giving them a gift they don’t deserve (grace). In this participation the power of God’s love will manifest, squelching the schemes of Satan, setting you free into relational unity with those you are most divided with.