God is Our Refuge

God is Our Refuge

Michael Thompson

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)

Have you ever thought in depth about what it means for God to be our refuge? God is described as being our strong tower, fortress, stronghold, shield, and refuge throughout the Bible. Colossians 3:3-4 says, “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.” 

What does it mean to take refuge in God and be hidden in Him? In this past season of my life God often reminded me of the above verse; “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” As the months went by it seemed like every day the Lord was revealing more and more of what it meant to find refuge in Him in the present moment. In real-life experiences, we all have day in and day out. When leaving my house and going to work. When I’m in a meeting. I find my refuge in Him, not only when I am simply still in the secret place at home but when I am “out and about” doing the tasks and responsibilities I have to do each day. Not just theologically believing that He is my refuge and hiding place but each day actively by faith taking refuge and hiding in God. I found myself, more often than not, meditating on my hiddenness in Him. How intimate this life we share in Christ truly is. How one we have truly become through our union with Christ through the Holy Spirit. How God invites us each day to experience this intimate union with Him through living a life that is hidden in Him. 

I noticed that the times when I felt most weak were times when I cherished the fact that I could hide away and be kept hidden and safe in the embrace and presence of my loving Father the most. The days when I felt that all of my weaknesses and shortcomings were on display for all to see. When for some reason I would feel this lingering emotion of embarrassment. When I felt naked and exposed He would clothe me. He would hide me under the shadow of His wings. Affirming me of the truth of who I am in Him. Reminding me of the gospel and how I have received a brand new identity. Whispering into my heart, “I am your refuge, your ever-present hiding place and refuge in times of need.” 

A few weeks ago at church, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge. As we were worshiping I heard the Spirit say, “It’s time to stop hiding from me and start hiding in me!” He spoke this in a very gentle yet authoritative voice. He was saying that because of the truth of the gospel and the shed blood of His Son, nothing can separate us from Him. It’s time to stop hiding from Him out of shame as the body of Christ and step into and walk in our true identity as sons and daughters. To hide in and experience the intimacy of our Father. When I shared this word with the church and asked if this resonated with anyone. Several people responded and we had a powerful time of prayer. 

I wonder if this word is for you as well. Have you been hiding from God? Have you been withholding parts of your life or heart from Him? Due to shame, pain, fear, or feeling unworthy? If so, His invitation to you is to come to Him and take refuge in Him. Bring your brokenness, shame, pain, and feelings of unworthiness. Let Him hold you and whisper the truths of the Gospel deep into your heart. Let Him affirm you in your true identity. Let Him teach you how to live a life that is hidden with Christ in God. There is no greater life than the hidden life where we are kept safe in the arms of our Father. Where all of the lies, accusations, and falsehoods the enemy tries to deceive us with are powerless. Where we are experiencing the intimacy and oneness we were created for. Where we are experiencing God, our refuge.

“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” (Psalm 144:1-2)