Do I Love the Holy Spirit?

Do I Love the Holy Spirit?

Brad Burkholder

One of the most beautiful ceremonies you will ever attend is a wedding.  Whether held in a majestic church, on a sunset beach, or in a grassy backyard, nothing encourages the heart and brings back fond memories like the gathering of friends and family to celebrate the love and commitment of a man and a woman to each other.  A Scripture that’s often used to express what is being felt and experienced at a wedding is 1 Corinthians 13 – the Love Chapter.

I use that word, love, to describe so many things in my life. My spouse. My Children. Ice cream. The Chiefs. So how about God? Do I love Him?

I grew up in a Christian family and I was in Sunday school and church all the time.  As a young boy, I asked Jesus to be my Savior and forgive me of my sins. I was baptized in junior high and recommitted my life to Him in high school.  I then went on to Bible college, followed by the mission field and am now a pastor.  Do I love Him?  YES!!

I have been taught much about God’s love for me. I’ve learned how the Father, Son and Spirit each play a role in that love. The Father created me and wants a love relationship with me (John 3:16). The Son came to earth and died to forgive me of my sins and be my Savior (Romans 5:8). The Spirit sealed me and expresses God’s love in my life (Romans 5:5).

But one day, the Lord asked me, “Do you love the Holy Spirit?” Do I love the Holy Spirit!?!? Why, YES! The answer has to be YES. Then He asked, “But do you know the Holy Spirit?” I began to think of the implications to this follow-up question.  Most of my life I had quickly answer “YES” if asked, “Do you love God?” I had theological answers for who the Father was, the love of Jesus His Son, the mystery found in the unity of the Trinity, but “Do I know the Holy Spirit?”

It is said, “To know someone is to love them.”  The Spirit lived in me. He led me. He used me. I just couldn’t say I had a relationship with Him.  Acts 1:8 says that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us.  If I knew and loved the Holy Spirit, why wasn’t I consistently experiencing His power?  Twenty years in ministry and what did I have to show for the Kingdom? There were amazing experiences in Alaska as a missionary, incredible relationships working with youth, and growth and maturity as a lead pastor.  But to be honest, there was also pornography, anger and depression; along with pride, competition and greed.  Why wasn’t the Holy Spirit producing more power and desire in me to accomplish all the victories the Bible said He could bring?

Power is defined as “the ability to do work.” Had I ever given the Holy Spirit permission to do in me as He wanted? Or more specifically, had I ever surrendered my will to the Spirit? I had surrendered to God, but within my relationship with Him, I had no idea what it meant to “walk in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25) because I did not know the Spirit.  And if I didn’t know the Spirit, how could I say I loved the Holy Spirit?

Fortunately, 1 John 2:27 says that I have the best teacher living inside of me.  When I asked the Spirit to teach me more about who He is, He agreed!  The Holy Spirit showed me in Ezekiel 26:26-27 that He takes my heart of stone and gives me a heart of flesh, a heart that desires to study and obey His Word.  He taught me from Galatians 5:24-25 that the passions and desires of my flesh were defeated at the cross and that His Spirit would lead me to walk in step with Him.  The Spirit blew my mind in the chapters of John 13-17. Starting in the Upper Room, Jesus explains to His disciples how the Holy Spirit would be with them and in them (John 14:15-17).  He tells us that it is better to have the Holy Spirit inside us than Jesus beside us (John 16:7).  And recently the Spirit has been teaching me that the more I rely on Him to empower me through difficulties and suffering in my life, the more I experience Jesus and His love (Romans 5:1-5).

Surrendering to the Spirit’s power to change me is such a relief from striving in my own effort. He has given me victory in areas that I’ve never been able to gain freedom on my own. Most of my life as a disciple of Christ, I worked so hard to obey the Ten Commandments, to share the Greatest Commandments, and to live the Great Commission. The Spirit has shown me that I am a clay pot.  A broken vessel.  The Spirit of Jesus shines through the cracks that make me uniquely His.

A relationship with the Spirit taught me more about who He is. A relationship with the Spirit is also teaching me who I am. After the Lord taught me through these scriptures and walked with me through life's ups and downs, I can now answer His question with confidence.

YES, I love Holy Spirit!!