A Fully Devoted Heart‍

A Fully Devoted Heart‍

Jesse Allen

While we often focus on the surety of our eternal salvation, do we just as passionately evaluate our present-day trust? Just because we are guaranteed a future reality of heaven through Jesus does not equate to a life that is actively living reliant on God today. This is not a word meant to provoke condemnation. However, I believe it should set us on an honest trek of evaluation, asking the question, “Is my heart fully devoted to God?” 

“Asa then took silver and gold out of the treasuries of the Lord’s temple and of his own palace and sent it to Ben-Hadad king of Aram.” - 2 Chronicles 16:2 

Asa, a king meant to lead God’s people as a trusting servant, led out of pride and fear rather than faith and trust. His back was put into a corner, and what dwelled inside of his heart was squeezed out! This brings up a crucial point for each of us - our heart is most exposed during days of difficulty. Our truest self is displayed, not when life is easy, but when it is hard. 

“Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.” - 2 Chronicles 16:7   

Like Asa, we have a tendency to rob the Lord’s treasury that is meant to be filled with the substance of his children’s trust! Often, rather than calling on the name of the Lord and waiting for his provision in patient faith, when the tough gets going, we freak out. As a result, we lean on the strength of human wisdom at the cost of not trusting God. 

“When you relied on the Lord, he delivered your enemies into your hands.” - 2 Chronicles 16:8 

As a new year begins, we should each ponder the question, “Do I trust God? Do my actions reflect my lips? When push comes to shove this year, and I am tempted to strive in my strength and reach for the world’s wisdom, will I rely on God’s power or rob from God’s treasury?” The answer to this question will determine whether you experience the powerful deliverance of God or bear the massive consequence of distancing yourself from God - a life that experiences warlike turmoil (2 Chron. 16:9b). 

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully devoted to him.” - 2 Chronicles 16:9 

Make a commitment to God today. Whether you feel weak or strong in trusting Him, simply say, “My trust is in you! When trial and temptation come to attack me this year, I will run to you, rejecting the strength and wisdom of everything else!” Deliverance is God’s desired outcome for you this year! Will you experience it?